Sunday, February 15, 2009

Interview Time

My friend Beth sent these to me. If you'd like to be "interviewed" just follow the rules at the end.

1. What do you think about when you run?

A whole bunch of stuff. The good and the bad of everything that's in my soul, mind and heart come out during a run. That's one of the reasons I like it. For example, I'll pray a lot on a run. It's one of the things that can get me to talking to God in an authentic way. When I'm home and taking time out to pray, I can easily get in to something formulaic. I don't say "thou", but it's close. On the other end of the spectrum, I might find myself thinking about something or someone that's ticked me off and get amazed as my mind wanders how angry I can get. Sometimes I just have a song going through my head. I'm pretty random.

2. Have you ever hit a wall while running? If so, describe.

Yes, I've hit the wall in precisely 6 out of my 8 marathons. It sucks, I hate it.

3. What is one regret that you have?

Well, I really like where I'm at right now, so from that standpoint there are no regrets. I will say that it would have been neat to have a relationship with God earlier in life. I'm not talking about being mad because I didn't go to Young Life Camp, Church, or Campus Crusade for Christ meetings. I just mean that over the last 10 years I've tried to understand Jesus more and have allowed Him to work on me. In the process, I've been able to love people a lot more. I am still WAYYYYY short of where I could be, but I see progress. I have to think that would have been nice to experience earlier in life and then maybe I would have hurt less and helped more.

On a less theological note, I harbor a small regret that I didn't run in high school. Cool sport and I would have like to have seen what I could do if I devoted the amount of time to running that I did to baseball when I was a young punk. On the other hand, I might have got tired of it and I'd be 300 pounds now.

4. If you could do anything and there was no chance you would fail, what would it be?

Playing the lottery? I really don't know how to answer this one. I always thought that it would be cool to write, but I think I fantasize more about the imaginary lifestyle that I think goes with it. I imagine getting a lot of bucks for cranking out a few pages every day, which I could bust out in an hour over an afternoon coffee. I could run alot, hang out and work over Guitar Hero like it's my little beeyotch. I doubt that's accurate.

5. What is something or someone you miss most from your childhood?

I miss the excitement and wonder of childhood. When you're a kid you go to the pool and you can stay all day because you're endlessly fascinated with the thrill of getting wet and splashing around. You can spend hours on your skateboard practicing tricks with your buddies. You can go to a baseball game and be entertained simply because the left fielder can throw the ball twice as far as you can during warmups. Now I go to the pool and get bored if I don't have a book with me. All going to the ballpark does is make me think how much ticket prices have increased and how overrated the left fielder is. Oh, and freakin' forget about the skateboard.

To play along:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. ( I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


ShutUpandRun said...

Thanks for taking the time to answer these. I loved reading your comments, especially about what you think about when running, regrets and childhood.

Brutalism said...

Alright. I'm in. Interview Me.